
NBC环球– 2014年奥运会

Media Links为NBC Olympics提供了一个完整的MD8000媒体传输解决方案系统,其中包括JPEG2000编、解码模块,可在现有的STM-16/OC48专线网络上实现无损视频传输和无中断切换。 该方案确保了NBC Olympics及其网络提供商有一个高效益、低成本的替代传统视频传输服务。

Media Links通过IP传输解决方案,高效地将各场馆的视频,音频和数据内容实时回传。 即使在网络出现问题的时候,Media Links久经考验的无中断切换技术也可以防止数据包丢失,并在整个奥运会期间确保所有直播视频信号的传输。

Media Link支持的其他奥运会赛事包括:
• 伦敦 2012
• 温哥华 2010
• 北京 2008
• 都灵 2006
• 雅典 2004



Media Links was selected by Telstra for Australia’s next generation digital network for broadcasting. Telstra is the leading telecommunications and information services company in Australia. Media Links AU serves as Telstra’s main contractor for its DVN2 build-out and expansion, and supplies advanced network management software, Media Link’s flagship media over IP transport solution, the MD8000, installation services, operational support and continuous system maintenance.

The project has replaced the existing digital video network and covers hundreds of locations across Australia.



Media Links’ MD8000 Video over IP transmission technology was implemented as the high quality transport technology platform for the 2014 World Cup event. A total of 24,400 minutes, approximately 406 hours of television transmissions were managed under demanding conditions throughout the games. The Media Links solutions provided 100% uptime and zero packet loss of all TV signals. This extraordinary task was due to a combination of Media Link’s advanced technology, an experienced Media Links support team and customer technical team, as well as the expertise of system integrators, VIDI, a long-time Media Links partner.



The Media Global Links MD8000 video over IP media transport solutions was installed and deployed in 17 venues throughout the Incheon Metropolitan Area to facilitate the live broadcasts and content transmission throughout the 2014 Asian Games. The MD8000 family addressed the need for carriers to connect directly to IP networks for long-haul, multiple-wavelength transport links, which resulted in significant cost savings.



The MD8000 solutions aided in the media transport of 52 games, 6 stadiums, with more than 250 hours of live transmissions. Not a single second of signal failure ensured 100% availability. This LIVE-TV transmission project was managed by Media Links’ EMEA partner, VIDI.



The selection of the Media Links solutions for all the contribution links for EURO 2012™ can be attributed to the extremely high quality and reliability of the Media Links equipment, and to the excellent support offered by Media Links’ partner, VIDI for the systems design, installation and support. The MD8000 is particularly suited for this type of application as it offers high levels of redundancy to deal with external problems such as loss of fibre links, as well as very low latency to allow operators and talent to work in a live situation with the delays of many compression systems.



Since 2011, Media Links has provided real-time video over IP transport technology & solutions, as well support for the HD broadcast of Australian Football League games (Australian Rules Football). The fibre based contribution network allows multiple tenants to dynamically access the feeds from various stadiums throughout Australia through elegant NMS switching. A visually lossless JPEG2000 compression codec is applied for the efficient use of bandwidth. The redundancy in network architecture and ‘ hitless’ protection have ensured 100% QoS (Quality of Service) for all the HD and data services provided for the games.



The Commonwealth Games are a major live event produced and distributed entirely over an IP network. Media Links along with European partner, VIDI implemented the equipment and support services to help make this possible.



A major network provider launched their next generation video over intelligent optical mesh  network in 2010 using Media Links MD8000 technology, and in 2013 provided a  full uncompressed HD-SDI feed with dual diversity and hitless switching for “The Big Game” XLVII feed.

In 2010, Media Links provided an industry first at “The Big Game” XLIV, by transporting an HD-SDI feed with the use of JPEG2000 compression over a major network’s intelligent self-healing optical SONET mesh network. The signal was transported directly from Miami’s Sun Life Stadium via OC-12 interconnect to the core long distance network and the CBS studio in New York City. The same JPEG2000 encoded HD-SDI signal was transported with Media Links MD8000 solutions to CBS’s disaster recovery facility in Los Angeles. The signal quality and network latency for both HD-SDI feeds proved to be the most efficient and reliable means of transporting a native HD-SDI signal over a high profile Network Provider’s long distance video network.

Media Links and Level 3 provided the first live uncompressed bi-directional HD-SDI video service over IP from Invesco Field to CBS New York throughout the duration of the 2009 NFL season.



The Media Links video transport solution has been deployed throughout the Verizon tariff video footprint for the backhaul of uncompressed HD, SD and DVB-ASI video signals throughout major Metropolitan US cities. The Media Links solutions have been associated with major events such as the 2009 Presidential Inauguration and high profile sporting events.



Turner operates an entire channelized OC-192 video and data transport network between New York, Atlanta and Washington D.C., where the Media Links compression technology is used for the adaptation of HD-SDI to their SONET backbone. All live CNN HD video feeds are handled by Media Links MPEG-2 compression. Internal to Turner’s broadcast facility, Media Links provided one of the highest quality HD-SDI up and down-conversion products available.



Media Links were awarded the contract from Televisa to upgrade their existing transport infrastructure to support full HD-SDI in order to deliver the highest quality of video prior to network distribution. The MD8000 provided Televisa a fully protected 40Gb ring topology, future expansion capacity up to 200Gb per location, and hitless switching for all video and data traffic. The network has been in operation since 2009, and was associated with the world’s first 3D broadcast of a soccer game held in Mexico City. In 2011 Televisa expanded their existing MD8000EX deployment by adding an additional shelf to increase the range of signal distribution.



In 2010 TV Azteca in conjunction with Iusacell broadcast the final episode of Mexican Idol using the MD8000 video and data transport platform. The system was configured with Gigabit Ethernet interfaces and successfully transported DVB-ASI signals over the Iusacell MPLS IP network.

TV Azteca have deployed the Media Links metropolitan fibre transport solution to deliver HD-SDI and compressed DVB-ASI signals to several of their key transmission facilities. The Media Links solution offers a seamless transition between DVB-ASI, SDI and uncompressed HD video signals by automatically detecting the video format. TV Azteca leveraged their existing HD contribution infrastructure by seamlessly integrating the live uncompressed events back to their main production facility.

The network has been in operation since 2006, and the Media Links equipment has performed flawlessly with no signal interruptions or hardware failures. TV Azteca also upgraded a large portion of their network to the MD8000 platform in preparation for future HD expansion throughout their broadcast facilities.


富士广播公司与Media Links签订合同,开发一个统一的交换平台MDMax,以处理现代广播公司使用的所有不同类型的视频,音频和数据信号。 MDMax专为大规模运营而设计,提供160个10GbE端口(3.2TB完美无阻塞第2层交换矩阵),能够在完全可配置的矩阵中支持800个同时未压缩的1.485Gb 高清视频信号。

MDMax允许将单一基础结构用于所有类型的工作流程–实时视频,演播室视频到磁带或服务器,磁带或服务器到广播,视频文件传输等等。 随着需求的变化,可以快速重新配置基础架构以满足每个新任务。 一旦采用一种通用格式,每个信号仅占用所需的带宽,从而允许不同类型的多个信号在一个基础设施上传输,无论是室内网络还是广域网。

MDMax交换基础结构使用完美无阻塞技术(PNT)来确保每个信号都可以路由到每个目的地,包括无限多播组合。 通过MDMax系统传输的每个信号首先被转换成通用格式,该格式与全球媒体和数据传输标准兼容。

结合MDMax部署,Fuji Broadcast部署了100多个MD8000和MD11000系统,这些系统用于将较低速度的信号聚合到10GbE,从而使MDMax能够在粒度级别上执行交换。


2008年,Media Links提供了透明的标清和压缩高清传输网络,连接了丹麦全国所有主要体育馆,广播公司,金融和政府机构。 该网络由支持IP骨干网的Foundry2/3层交换机和100多个Media Link MPEG-2编解码器组成。 我们还开发了定制的管理软件,为服务提供商提供集中管理,并个人预订和配置提供基于wed的客户端访问。 该管理系统提供了Media Links硬件的远程配置,网络中所有设备的调度,控制任何预订冲突,以及与Global Connect记帐和计费系统的接口。


2009年,沃达丰德国公司与Media Links签约,为德国公共广播公司ARD(自2003年开始运营)替换现有的宽带视频网络。 更多的非线性电视制作、对视频文件传输的IT领域更高的数据速率的要求,以及高清电视的引入,为电视和广播实施一个透明传输实时服务的新网络提供了理由。

Hybnet-Neu基于WDM光纤网络,该网络将德国的16个ARD站点连接到位于Frankfurt/Main的中心位置(星点),满足了HD-SDI,SD-SDI,STM-1等服务传输的所有带宽要求 ,GbE线性流量,AES音频,E1服务等。这个带有两个环的完全冗余网络在最近的沃达丰POP中有阿尔卡特7750和MD8000作为视频适配设备。

此外,该网络可以适应DVB-ASI,AES / EBU音频,E1和STM-1电路,快速以太网和GbE等格式,通过10G以太网中继接口传输。 网络基础设施基于连接德国17个站点的Vodafone WDM全冗余网络,核心位置使用Alcatel-Lucent 7750路由器。
